Research: Cyber Crime Trends in Bangladesh-2021
Research Model & Structure
This research follows the hourglass model. Over the last two years, Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation has talked with victims of cybercrime and researched the subjects. To ensure the privacy of the victims, their names and identification are omitted from the report.
During the research, 168 victims were asked the same 18 questions along with their opinion on how to tackle the problem. They were also asked about the experience and questions like how they became victims of such crimes, what they did after the occurrence, and whether they asked the authorities for help – If not, why, etc.
The research report consists of 11 separate tabs.
Here we found out about the decrease in 4 specific types of cybercrime where 6 outgrew their previous records, leading to the emergence of a brand-new dimension of cybercrime. Overall, the number of such crimes is increasing, and the rate of complaints to authorities so far has been disappointing, which indicates the crying need for cyber literacy among the masses.
Types of Crime:
During the 2019-2020 period, cybercrimes relating to social account hacking and identity theft increased at an alarming rate. The survey also found that ATM card hacking is at its best in the pandemic as people relied heavily on online shopping, leading to unflattering encounters with malicious circles that are after victim\’s card information.
From the survey, we also found that the most common type of cybercrime in 2020 was social media and other personal account hacking, which totalled 28.31%, while in 2019, it was merely 15.35%. This means hacking and theft of personal accounts increased almost 13% from 2019 to 2020.
Contrasting that, we found a steady decline in the spread of misinformation or fake news. The rate fell from 22.33% in 2019 to 16.31% in 2020. However, sexual harassment and revenge porn cases have increased to 7.69% from 6.05% in 2019.
Despite the increase in sexual harassment cases, the sigh of relief is the decrease of cases with photo manipulation, which came down to 5.85% in 2020, less than half of what we surveyed in 2019.
Another cyber offence that has taken a fall is text threats made with phones. The crime rate came down to 14.16%, which is almost 3% less than the previous year\’s 17.67%.
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